Exploring Angular Pipes: Benefits and Drawbacks of Streamlining Data Manipulation

Enhance Angular Applications with Custom Pipes: Unleashing the Potential of Data Transformation


Angular, being a robust and versatile JavaScript framework, provides developers with a powerful toolset for building dynamic and data-driven web applications. One such feature is Angular Pipes, which enable seamless data transformation and manipulation. In this SEO post, we will explore Angular Pipes and delve into the world of custom pipes, showcasing their benefits and how they can take your Angular application to the next level.

What are Angular Pipes?

Angular Pipes are built-in features that allow you to transform and format data right within your HTML templates effortlessly. They act as a shortcut to apply common data transformations, such as date formatting, number formatting, currency conversion, and more, without the need for complex JavaScript logic.

Enhance Angular Applications with Custom Pipes: Unleashing the Potential of Data Transformation

The Power of Custom Pipes

While Angular provides a variety of built-in pipes, sometimes you may encounter scenarios where you need more specific data transformations. This is where custom pipes come into play. Custom pipes allow you to create your own reusable data transformation functions tailored to your application's unique requirements.

Benefits of Custom Pipes

Code Reusability: Custom pipes can be reused across your application, eliminating the need to duplicate code. This improves maintainability and reduces the chances of introducing bugs.

Enhanced Data Transformation: Custom pipes provide the flexibility to create complex data transformations specific to your application's needs. You have complete control over how data is processed, allowing you to achieve the desired output effortlessly.

Improved Performance: Custom pipes can optimize data processing by executing transformations directly within the browser, reducing the need for unnecessary server round trips. This results in a smoother user experience and faster application performance.

Code Organization: By encapsulating data transformation logic in custom pipes, your codebase becomes more organized and easier to manage. This separation of concerns enhances the overall maintainability and readability of your code.

How to Create Custom Pipes in Angular

Creating a custom pipe in Angular is a straightforward process. Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved:

Generate a New Pipe: Use the Angular CLI or create a new TypeScript file manually to generate a new custom pipe.

Implement the Pipe: Inside the generated file, implement the PipeTransform interface and provide the necessary transformation logic in the transform method.

Register the Pipe: Register your custom pipe in the Angular module's declarations or providers array to make it available for use throughout your application.

Apply the Pipe: Use the custom pipe in your HTML templates by piping data through the pipe using the | symbol.

Examples of Custom Pipes

Sorting: Create a custom pipe that sorts an array of objects based on a specific property, enabling you to display data in a desired order.

Filtering: Implement a custom pipe that filters an array based on certain criteria, allowing you to display only the relevant data to the user.

Formatting: Develop a custom pipe that formats data according to a predefined pattern, such as masking credit card numbers or transforming text to uppercase.

Here's an example of a custom pipe that sorts an array of objects based on a specific property:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';


name: 'sortBy'


export class SortByPipe implements PipeTransform {

transform(array: any[], property: string): any[] {

if (!array || !property) {

return array;


return array.sort((a, b) => {

if (a[property] < b[property]) {

return -1;


if (a[property] > b[property]) {

return 1;


return 0;




In this example, we create a custom pipe called SortByPipe. The transform method takes an array and a property as input. It sorts the array based on the specified property in ascending order and returns the sorted array.

To use this custom pipe in your Angular application, follow these steps:

Generate the custom pipe using the Angular CLI: ng generate pipe SortBy

In the component where you want to use the pipe, import and include the SortByPipe in the providers array of the module or the component's providers metadata.

In your HTML template, apply the custom pipe using the | symbol:


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<li *ngFor="let item of items | sortBy:'name'">{{ item.name }}</li>


In this example, the items array will be sorted by the name property using the SortByPipe. The sorted array is then iterated using ngFor to display the sorted list.

Feel free to customize and extend this example to create custom pipes that suit your specific data manipulation requirements.

Here are a few examples of built-in Angular pipes:

DatePipe: Formats dates based on a specified format.


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<p>Today is {{ today | date:'dd/MM/yyyy' }}</p>

CurrencyPipe: Formats currency values based on a specified currency code and locale.


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<p>Price: {{ price | currency:'USD':'symbol':'1.2-2' }}</p>

UpperCasePipe: Converts a string to uppercase.


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<p>{{ 'hello world' | uppercase }}</p>

LowerCasePipe: Converts a string to lowercase.


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<p>{{ 'HELLO WORLD' | lowercase }}</p>

DecimalPipe: Formats decimal numbers based on a specified format.


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<p>Percentage: {{ percentage | percent:'1.2-2' }}</p>

SlicePipe: Extracts a portion of an array or string based on a specified start and end index.


<p>{{ text | slice:0:10 }}</p>

AsyncPipe: Handles asynchronous data by subscribing to an Observable or Promise and automatically updates the view when the data is resolved.


<p>{{ data$ | async }}</p>

These are just a few examples of the built-in Angular pipes. Angular provides a wide range of pipes to handle various data manipulation tasks efficiently. You can explore the official Angular documentation for a comprehensive list of built-in pipes and their usage.

Remember, pipes are versatile and can be combined to create powerful transformations. Experiment with different pipes and their options to meet your specific requirements in Angular applications.

Benefits of pipes in angular with example:

Code Simplicity: Pipes simplify the code by allowing data transformations to be performed directly within the template, reducing the need for complex logic in component classes.

Reusability: Built-in and custom pipes can be reused across multiple components and templates, promoting code reusability and reducing code duplication.

Improved Readability: Pipes enhance the readability of templates by providing a declarative and concise way to format and transform data, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the code.

Performance Optimization: Pipes can optimize performance by executing transformations directly within the browser, reducing the need for additional server round trips. Built-in pipes, such as PurePipe, are also optimized for change detection, preventing unnecessary re-evaluation when data doesn't change.

Localization and Internationalization: Angular pipes provide built-in support for localization and internationalization, allowing you to format data according to different locales and languages without writing complex code.


Overuse of Pipes: Excessive use of pipes in templates can impact performance, as each pipe invocation adds overhead. It's important to use pipes judiciously and avoid unnecessary piping of data that can be handled more efficiently in component classes.

Limited Flexibility: Built-in pipes have predefined functionality, which might not fulfill all requirements. In such cases, custom pipes need to be created, adding development effort and complexity.

Lack of Type Safety: Pipes operate on dynamic data, and TypeScript's type checking is not available within pipes. This can lead to potential errors if data types are not handled carefully.

Debugging Challenges: Debugging issues related to pipes can sometimes be challenging, especially when complex transformations are involved. Proper testing and debugging practices should be followed to identify and resolve any pipe-related issues.

Version Compatibility: Angular pipes may undergo changes or deprecations between different versions of Angular. It's important to stay updated with the latest documentation and migration guides when upgrading Angular versions.

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