what is a servlet - servlet life cycle || java servlet pages

java servlet pages || Servlet with example 

Whst is a Servlet ?

Servlet technology is used to create web application , (dwells at server side and produces energetic web page) mostly used with Java.

Servlet is vigorous and versatile since of java dialect. Some time recently serlvel CGI (common portal Interface) scripting dialect was well known as a server side scripting dialect .Bu there was numerous diadvantages of this technology.there numerous course and interfacing in servlet API.such a s Servlet,GenericServllet,Http Servlet,SrevletRequest and ServletResponse etc.

what is a servlet - servlet life cycle || java servlet pages

Servlet can be described in many ways depending on the context 

  • Servlet is a good web technology that is used to craete web applications all the time.
  • Servlet is also known as a API that provides classes and interfaces including documentaions.
  • Servlet is an interface that must be implemented for creating a servlet class.
  • The servlet may be a course that expands the capabilities of the servers and reacts to the approaching requests.it can react to any sort of ask. 
  • Servlet is the web component that is deployed to the server to create dynamic web page .

Web applications

A web application is an application available from the net . A web application could be a composed of web components like servlet,jsp and channel etc and other component such as HTML (Hyper Content Check Of language).The web components ordinarily executes within the web server and react to the HTTP ask.

Advantages of Servlet

1.better performance : because it creates thread for each request not process.
2.Portability:because it uses java language.
3.Robust:Servlet are managed by JVM(Java Virtual Machine) so no need to worry about memory task.
4.Secure: because it uses java language.

Servlet Phrasing 

There are a few key focuses that ought to be know by a servlet software engineer like server.container,get request,post ask etc. Let's to begin with dicuss around these things at that point we are going move to the servlet innovation.
  • HTTP(hyper Hypertext Transfer protocal)
  • HTTP request types 
  • Difference between GET and Post method
  • Container
  • Server  and difference between web server and application sever.
  • Content Type
  • Introduction of XML
  • Deployment etc,
HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer protocol)
1..Http is the protocal that permits wev servers and browser to trade information over the net.
2.It is a request and response protocal
3.Http uses reliable TCP connection by default on port 80.
4.It is stateless implies such ask are concidered as the unused request/.In other words server doesn't perceive the client bydefault.

Http Request method

Each ask features a header that tells the status of the client.there are numerous ask methods.GET and POST ask are for the most part utilized in any web application.

The http request methods a re GET,POST,HEAD,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS,TRACE etc.

Difference between POST and GET Htpp Methods

There many difference between the Get and Post method As you can see bellow.

GET                                                              POST

In case of Get request only limited             In case of post request large amount of data can be sent 
amount of data can be sent because            because data is sent in body
data is sent in header

Get request is not secure because               post request is secured because data is not exposed in URL 
 data is uncovered in the URL bar

Get request can be bookmarked                 Post request cannot be bookmarked

GET request is idempotent means              Post request is not idempotent 
second request will be ignored until
response of first request is delivered          

Get request is more effective and                Post request is less effective and less used than the Get          used more than Post methos                        request


It gives runtime environment for JavaEE (j2ee) application

it performs many operations that are given below

1.Life cycle management
2.Multithreaded support
3.Object poling
4.and Scurity


it could be a running program or computer program that gives administrations

There are two types of servers

1.Web servers
2.Application Servers

Life cycle of Servlet 

The internet holder keep up the life cycle of a servlet occurrences. Let's see the life cycle of a servlet.

1.Servlet class is loaded
2.Servlet instance is created 
3.init method is invoked 
4.service method is invoked 
4.destroy method is invoked

  • As shown within the over chart ,there are three staes of a servlet new,ready, and conclusion state.
  • the servlet is in new state id servlet instance is created 
  • After invoked the inti method .Servlet comes in the ready state .
  • essentially within the prepared state the servlet performs all the tasks.When the net holder conjured the devastate strategy it shifts to the conclusion state.

i.Servlet class is loaded 

The class loader is mindful for stacking the Servlet class.The servlet class is stacked when the primary ask for the server is gotten by the net container

ii.Servlet instance is created

The web container creates the instance of a servlet after loading a servlet class .The servlet instance is created only once .

iii.init method is invoked 

the web container class the init strategy as it were once after making the servlet instance. The init strategy utilized to initialize the servlet .it is the life cycle method of javax,servlet.Servlet interface .

Syntax :

publicvoidinit(ServletConfig config) throwServletException

iv.Service method is invoked 

The web container calls the service strategy/methd each time when ask for the servlet is gotten. On the off chance that servlet isn't initialized ,It follows the primary 3 steps as portrayed over at that point calls the service strategy .In the event that servlet is initialized it call the service methid.Notice the servlet is initialized as it were once .

syntax of the service method of the service interface below

publicvoid service(ServletRequest request , ServletResponse response ) throwsServletException,iOException

v.Destroy method is invoked 

The web container calls the devastate strategy some time recently evacuating the servlet occasion from the service . it gives the servlet and opportunity to clean up any resouce for case memory and thread etc 

Synatx for the destroy method of the servlet interface


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