How to make HTML Form with PHP for beginners
Make a HTML Form with PHP
- The user's input is collected using forms, which are then sent to the web server for processing. An HTML tag called "form" includes graphical user interface elements including input boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and more.
- The form is specified by the form> element. Form components like input> are used to define /form> tags and GUI objects. Depending on the bytes properties, the input >element can be shown in a number of different ways..
form elements
Some basic HTML Form Tags given below
Tag Description
<form> It specifies an HTML form for user-side input.
<input> It defines an input control
<textarea> There is a multi-line input control defined.
<label> It defines a label for an input element
<fieldset> It groups the related elements in a form
<legend> IThe caption for a "fieldset" element is defined by t.
<select> It defines drop-dwon
<optgroup> It describes a collection of connected drop-down menu options.
<option> It defines an option in a drop-down lis.
<button> this defines a clickable button.
HTML Input Tags
Type Description
<input type="text"> Defines a one line text input field
<input type="rdio"> what a radio button is (For selecting one from multiple options)
<input type="checkbox"> defines a checkbox() for multiple choice selection.
<input type="submit"> Defines a submit button (For submitting the HTML form)
Action Attribute
The action that will be taken when the form is submitted is specified by the action attribute. Normally, when a user clicks the submit button on a form, the form's data is delivered to a server-side web page. The action is set to the current page if the action attribute is absent.
Target Attribute
The destination attribute indicates whether the submitted result will open in the current window, a frame, or a new browser tab. The form will be submitted in the current window if the default value is "_self." Use the value "_blank" to make the form result open in a new browser tab: Action: actionpage.php; target: _blank; form
Method Attrubute
The HTTP method (GET or POST) to be used when submitting the form data is specified by the method property.
EX:<form action="actionpage.php" method="get">
or <form action="actionpage.php" method="post">
Here is the list of <form > attribute
Attribute Description
accept-charset discloses the eharset used in the form that was submitted (default: the charset)
action Specifies an address (url) where to submit the form (default : the submitting page )
autocomplete Decides whether the form should be autocompleted by the browser (default:on)
enctype Specifies the encoding of the submitted data (default: is url-encoded).
method Specifies the HTTP method used when submitting the form (default GET)
name this Specifies a name used to identify the form
novalidate It Specifies that the browser should not validate the form.
target this Specifies the target of the address in the action attribute
has no restriction on the values' length because they are submitted via the HTTP body
Its slower than the php GET method because it takes longer to encapsulate the Php POST values in the HTTP body.
It Supports many different data types such as string, numeric and binary.
Results cannot be book marked
limits the length of the values to 255 characters, on average. this is due to the values being shown in the URl. Please take note that the browser determines the maximum number of characters.
due to the ease of attaching the values to the URL, performs well compared to the POSt approach.
Supports nyl string data types because the values are displayed in the URL.
Results can be book marked due to the visibility of the values in the URL.
Capturing Form Data with PHP
The following superglobal variables can be used to get the value of a specific form field. These variables are accessible throughout the whole scope of a script.
Superglobal Description
$_GET Contains a list of each field's names and values that were sent by a form using the get method (i.e, via the URL parameters).
$-POST Contains a list of all the field names and values by a form using the post method (data will not visible in the URL)
$_ REQUEST contains the values of both the $_GET and $_POST variables as well as the value of the $_COOKIE superglobal variable
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